Augusta National Golf Club / Getty Images
It amazes me that people didn't get this from
the get go. I mean don't get me wrong, it's
important and all, but did you really think
that this wasn't going to happen? No protest
by Martha Burke was going to make a difference,
and no sponsor boycott would either. The folks
at Augusta just didn't want to be told what to
do, and frankly I don't blame them.
It's not as if I defended them for not allowing
women members, but I do defend the fact that
outsiders should try to mind their own business
on matters such as this one. It's a golf club
not a hospital of urgent care where someone is
denied a life saving treatment. Women were
allowed to golf their, they weren't chained
outside like dogs. I may not agree with their
policies, but I admit that I understood their
resistance to outsiders trying to dictate policy
to them, especially when they weren't breaking
any laws.
Condoleezza Rice huh? That was bold. Why not
just admit the Queen of England and Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton? Neither here or there,
they did it their way, and for that I applaud
them, and you should too.
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