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You may have seen this already on my Twitter feed
(@MadStorkSports), as a matter of fact if you
didn't it's almost identical to what I was trying
to convey the other night. August rolls around
and I along with many NY Mets fans find ourselves
saying "Man they suck!" These words may sound
harsh, but for a Mets fan, so are the losses, and
painful too. Losing the first two out of four
games to a team who not only has a 6 man rotation,
because their starters stink, and whos manager
pulls his starter in the fourth inning, even though
he's not in trouble, but would rather rely on his
bullpen is bad enough. Add to that the fact that
this team is the second worst team record wise as
they visit you at home and they are TWENTY SEVEN
games under .500 at the time, kinda wanna makes you
wanna become a fan of curling, rather than watch
another pitch.
The last few seasons the Mets have had very
promising Months in April, May and June, then
July hits and you can seen the swoon that gives
Sandy Alderson and Fred Wilpon great reason and
excuse to not acquire any help before the trade
deadline. Why should they? By that time the team
has already bungled themselves out of any shot at
contention, division or anything else otherwise,
and even with the extra wild card spot this year
the team is still 10 games behind the struggling
Pirates for that second spot.
As a sports writer/talk show host I should be more
detached and logical about this, but as a fan,
it's painful. I find myself saying frustrated and
saying over and over, I just don't get it!
All that being said, it should be clear, this owner
and ownership group no longer has any intentions on
spending any real money on players, and they brought
the "compete, but not win a damn thing" moneyball
group in to run things (not unless the team begins
to juice, anyway). Enjoy the exciting Springs Mets
fans, because winning any kind of fall ball is going
to be strictly restricted to your players doing well
while rehabbing in the Dominican and Puerto Rican
Fall leagues.
Tweet Don't Believe In Plays, Believe In Players - Al Davis
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