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Roger Clemens may have been found not guilty in a
court of law this week, but it's beyond clear that
in the court of public opinion he's practically on
death row he's so guilty. The justice department
had all but a slam dunk case against him and got
beat by Roger the dodger and his trusty lawyer,
some guy named Rusty. The government had DNA
evidence, first hand accounts, and more, and yet
they couldn't close the deal.
No one here should really be surprised of this
outcome though, they botched it with Barry Bonds
too. It's been clear since even the days before
O.J. got away with murder, that if you have enough
money for great legal counsel, you have a excellent
chance of getting away it. Many of these young
prosecutors may turn out great one day, but it's
cases like this that give you an idea of why the
real good attorneys turn to the private sector for
big bucks. I can't argue what many of you are
probably thinking, and that is that their are bigger
fish to fry, and that this was a waste of money,
but if you're going to go after them, it would be
nice to get a guilty verdict once in a while.
Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds may have "gotten away
with it", but if there's any justice, the only way
they'll ever get to Cooperstown, NY is by buying a
ticket. That goes for Mark McGwire, Rafael Palmiero,
Sammy Sosa and the rest of the cheats.
Tweet Don't Believe In Plays, Believe In Players - Al Davis
The sad thing is that these guys were obviously talented and triying to "boost "that talent cheapened their legacy, look at Lance Armstrong for that.
The sad thing is that these guys were obviously talented and triying to "boost "that talent cheapened their legacy, look at Lance Armstrong for that.
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